Nagaoka University of Technology

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Focus on One Region
Select Action

Simulation Step 9 of 15: Focus on One Region and Select Action

The Focus on One Region process selects the region, BROWSE, which relates most to the current task goal.

The Action Selection Phase recognizes each screen object as a list item, consisting of a category name accompanied with a few number of examples, then elaborates each list item by using semantic knowledge.

LSA plays a significant role for estimating semantic similarity when selecting one item from the list. As described by the CoLiDeS paper (Kitajima, Blackmon & Polson, 2000), the three list items with highest LSA values, that is, related to the current task goal, were:

List Item        LSA 
Science & Nature 0.41
Science Fiction  0.35
Home & Garden    0.08
23 other book-subject links, all with LSA cosine values ranging from +0.07 to Ð0.07

Thus the Select Action process selects "Click on Science & Nature".

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