-- Kitajima, M., & Toyota, M. (2015)Kitajima, M., & Toyota, M. (2015). Multi-dimensional memory frames and action generation in the MHP/RT cognitive architecture. Procedia Computer Science, BICA 2015. 6th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 71, 202-207.
Multi-dimensional memory frames and action generation in the MHP/RT cognitive architecture.The main theme of this paper is to provide a cognitive architecture, MHP/RT (Model Human Processor with Realtime Constraints), that is appropriate for describing the idea, "The agent would not be getting an informational input or a reinforcement, but the inputs would be better described as perturbations on a self-organizing complex systems", as stated in the call for the workshop, Enaction, Complex Systems and Cognitive Architectures. MHP/RT describes a cyclic process of action selection and memorization while one lives in the world, and the memory is gradually structured as multi-dimensional frames as one interacts with the environment. Behavioral processing constraints are imposed by conscious and unconscious processes, and behavior must be synchronized with the ever-changing external and internal environments. This paper provides a brief explanation of MHP/RT and multi-dimensional memory frames, followed by how memory is structured as one develops. Download