Nagaoka University of Technology


Shimada, H. & Kitajima, M. (2006)

Shimada, H. & Kitajima, M. (2006). SMMAPS: Scenario-based Multimedia Manual Authoring and Presentation System and its Application to a Disaster Evacuation Manual for Special Needs. CHI2006 Extended Abstract (ACM conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI'2006, Poster). pp.1313-1318.


SMMAPS: Scenario-based Multimedia Manual Authoring and Presentation System and its Application to a Disaster Evacuation Manual for Special Needs

When a disaster strikes, people must make important survival decisions. They must clearly understand the situation and decide what to do immediately. A well-designed disaster preparedness manual would facilitate making the best choices. This paper begins by specifying drawbacks with currently available manuals from the standpoint of people with disabilities or the elderly; these drawbacks include communication or physical accessibility problems and content accessibility or the person's ability to comprehend the situation. We propose a system for producing a disaster evacuation manual equipped with accessible, versatile materials to address various needs and a variety of disastrous situations. We describe its prototype implementation using the preliminary results of a field test.

