Nagaoka University of Technology


Kitajima, & Akamatsu (2003)

Kitajima, M. & Akamatsu, M. (2003). Ocular Movement During Curbside Turns at Intersections. PROCEEDINGS of the HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY 47th ANNUAL MEETING 2003 (HFES2003), pp.1885-1889.


Ocular Movement During Curbside Turns at Intersections

We conducted a driving experiment and measured and analyzed the data on eye movement in order to understand ocular movement during curbside turns at intersections. We used a driving simulator equipped with a system capable of measuring the direction of a subject�fs glances relative to the heading of their vehicle. By analyzing this data, measured at three intersections, we identified three tasks commonly observed in curbside turns: 1) object inspection; 2) turning; and 3) aligning. During the first task, the measurements showed variable swinging patterns. There was a consistent pattern of looking at targets along the curb in the second task, presumably for guidance while turning the vehicle. During the third task, measurements showed a coherent pattern of returning the glance from turning to the subsequent driving maneuvers.

