Nagaoka University of Technology


Dinet, J., Kitajima, M., Bastien, C., & Drusch, G. (2011)

Dinet, J., Kitajima, M., Bastien, C., & Drusch, G. (2011). How young pupils read search engines results pages? Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse.


How young pupils read search engines results pages?

With an experiment conducted with 89 pupils recruited from Grade 5 to Grade 11, we investigated the visual strategies used by young people for scanning search results provided by a search engine, by focusing on the impact of typographical cuing (bottom-up processes) and domain knowledge (top-down processes) on the visual strategies. Results have mainly showed that visual explorations can vary according to typographical cuing and prior domain knowledge. Scientific and educational implications are discussed.
