Nagaoka University of Technology


Kitajima, M., Tahira, H., & Takahashi, S. (2010).

Kitajima, M., Tahira, H., & Takahashi, S. (2010). A Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography Study of Visitors to a Hot Spring Resort, Kinosaki-onsen. Proceedings of the 5th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, 436-445.


A Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography Study of Visitors to a Hot Spring Resort, Kinosaki-onsen.

There are a number of hot spring resorts in Japan. Some do well in gathering tourists. However, there little has been known why. This paper describes a cognitive chronoethnography study that has been done at a hot spring resort, Kinosaki-onsen. We assumed that there should be several styles of visit, e.g., some would enjoy hospitality, others would stick to the constituents of hot spring. We assumed also that those who have different styles would show different activities in terms of the kinds of places they visit and the order of visits. 21 groups of tourists with different visiting styles participated in the study. Each group arrived at Kinosaki-onsen early afternoon and was asked to tour Kinosaki-onsen as they liked. They were asked to carry a GPS and a digital camera for recording their activities. We conducted an interview on the next day with the recorded behavioral trajectories and photos. By compiling the data, we identified four types of activities, theme-park type, shopping type, hot spring type, and hotel and meals type. Each type has its characteristic behavioral pattern. This is useful for designing services that match the individual activity patterns.
