


北島宗雄. (1996). インストラクション理解に基づく操作選択における「あいまいさ」の認知モデルによる分析. 第12回ファジィシステムシンポジウム.



The goal of this paper is to investigate ambiguity in selecting actions on a given interface display after taking a series of instructions. Users’ cognitive processes for comprehending instructions and selecting next actions based on their understanding of the instructions are modelled by using a cognitive architecture, the construction‐integration theory by Kintsch (1988). This paper shows that the instruction comprehension processes could generate potentially useful multiple goals for next actions, and that each goal could be consistent with multiple actions in the action selection processes. This paper identifies two sources of ambiguity; multiple goals and multiple possible actions. This paper argues that the former ambiguity is resolved by an interface display that includes screen objects that overlap with the correct goal, and that the latter is resolved if the selected goal is specific enough to enable the action planning processes to distinguish the correct action from the wrong actions.

