

鈴木義章,本宮志江,鹿志村香,須藤智,佐藤稔久,熊田孝恒 & 北島宗雄(2008)

鈴木義章,本宮志江,鹿志村香,須藤智,佐藤稔久,熊田孝恒 & 北島宗雄. (2008). 高齢者の認知特性に適合した、情報家電等機器インタフェースのデザインに関する研究(1). ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム. 689-692.



A Study on Human Interface Design of IT-based Equipments Adapted for Elderly Persons' Cognitive Character(1)

We performed a usability test with elderly people who are grouped by cognitive aging conditions with the aim of investigating the relations between cognitive aging and difficulty of using IT-based equipments. By analyzing the operation time, eye movements and observing the subjects’ operations and speech, we found characteristic behaviors of the low level cognitive aging groups.

