


北島宗雄. (1999). HCIにおける探索過程の認知モデル. ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム'99, 831-836.



Users of modern display-based applications perform tasks by selecting appropriate objects on the interface display, which include pull-down menus and sub-menus, buttons in tool-bars, objects in application windows, and icons on the desktop. Empirical studies show that the users tend to select objects whose descriptions are similar to the description of their current goals. Since objects' labels determine their descriptions, this strategy is called label following. However, there are many aspects of users' search behavior that are not consistent with this strategy. Inexperienced users will focus their search on the menu hierarchy ignoring objects on displays whose descriptions are very similar to their goals. Users will act on objects whose descriptions are unrelated to their goals with the objective to try to find more objects whose descriptions are good matches. This paper describes a cognitive model CoLiDeS (Comprehension-based Linked model of Deliberate Search) that simulates these and other search patterns as well as label following. Two mechanisms in CoLiDeS generate these search patterns. First, users focus their searches on a single category of objects on the interface display (e.g., the menus). Second, users object selections are controlled by their expectations. Users are expecting to find objects whose descriptions exactly match their goals. We show that CoLiDeS can simulate frequently observed search patterns by appropriately manipulating the strengths of these expectations.

