


生田目美紀,北島宗雄. (2007). 聴覚障害者のウェブ利用特性に基づくウェブユーザービリティ向上に関する研究. ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌, Vol.9, No.4, pp.435--442.



An important device for attaining Web usability is the Web accessibility guidelines. However, as is often the case, the descriptions of the guidelines are not specific enough for Web developers to create concrete Web pages that conform to the descriptions. This paper considers Web usability for hard-of-hearing persons. For those persons, the guidelines do not say much but “Content must be perceivable .” This paper argues that the description must be augmented by supplying success cases and this paper provides the one. This paper starts by describing our previous experiments [1], [2] showing that the hard-of-hearing participants interacted with experimental Web pages very differently from the hearing participants by various measures, such as 1) the number of errors and the time necessary to select the correct link, 2) scan patterns, 3) the types of selected links, and 4) the amount of time necessary to select a link, possibly due to the difficulty of the informational organization of the original Web page as perceived by the hard-of-hearing participants. Considering the Web interaction characteristics of the hard-of-hearing participants, we redesigned the page in three ways: 1) adding vertical lines that should function as visual support enabling hard-of-hearing users to grasp the informational structure easily, 2) replacing difficult-to-understand labels with comprehensible representations, and 3) adding links to images for facilitating image-based access to the pages that they represent. Observed performance measures for the redesigned page revealed that the abovementioned differences disappeared, indicating that the redesign was successful. We believe that this case study exemplifies the successful redesigning of Web pages to make them more accessible to hard-of-hearing users.

