

生田目美紀 & 北島宗雄(2005)

生田目美紀 & 北島宗雄. (2005). Webにおける聴覚障害者の視覚情報利用特性に関する研究−WEBデザインの造形ガイドライン整備に向けた基礎的研究4. デザイン学研究2005(第52回研究発表大会概要集, 平成17年6月), 116-117.



A Research into Web-Interaction Styles of Hard-of-Hearing Persons

Our aim is to design web-based interactive materials for the hard-of-hearing persons based on an adequate understanding of their interaction style. We describe the results of an eye-tracking experiment that demonstrates behavioral differences between the hard-of-hearing and the hearing persons when using web-based materials. We found that the the hard-of-hearing persons exhibited a smaller strategic scan pattern, and shallower and more intuitive text processing. These findings suggest that the design of web-based materials, which currently only consider textual or image substitutes for auditory information, is insufficient for the hard-of-hearing persons.

