

島田英昭,北島宗雄,奈良雅子 & 佐藤滋(2008)

島田英昭,北島宗雄,奈良雅子 & 佐藤滋. (2008). 教授支援のための教師の専門的知識に基づく問題選択システム:教師からの知識抽出方法. ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム. 395-398.



Knowledge extraction from teachers and its implementation in an e-learning system

Children with developmental disorders cannot do homework effectively in the absence of teachers. They need assistance for organizing their self-learning. This paper challenges this issue by proposing an e-learning system with the following features. The system will be used to develop materials for self-learning by the teachers who may not have technical knowledge about the system. The system helps the teachers extract knowledge for managing self-learning in the form that is easily implemented in the system. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the system, one of the authors, who is currently teaching students with autism, served as a user of the system and created a self-learning material. A simple algorithm to sequence the pieces of self-learning materials by considering the level of understanding of autism children is proposed.

