

須藤智,北島宗雄,熊田孝恒,佐藤稔久,鈴木義章,本宮志江 & 原有希(2009)

須藤智,北島宗雄,熊田孝恒,佐藤稔久,鈴木義章,本宮志江 & 原有希. (2009). 高齢者の認知特性に適合したWebインタフェースのデザインに関する研究(1)−理論:Web操作モデルと高齢者の認知機能の影響−. ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム'09. 983-988.



A theoretical approach on Human Interface Design of web-interface Adapted for Elderly Persons' Cognitive Character

This study was discussed the relationship between the decline of cognitive functions and the difficulty of using web sites for older peoples. We focused working memory, visual attention and planning function as cognitive functions that were related to manipulate web site. In the result, we suggest a theoretical model of the relationship between the decline of cognitive functions and the difficulty of using web-site.

