

西崎友規子,生田目美紀,北島宗雄 (2007)

西崎友規子,生田目美紀,北島宗雄. (2007). 情報検索における聴覚障害者の認知特性 -- 聴覚障害者のための使いやすいWebコンテンツ制作に向けた基礎的研究. 人間工学, 43, 4, 177-184.


情報検索における聴覚障害者の認知特性 -- 聴覚障害者のための使いやすいWebコンテンツ制作に向けた基礎的研究



Cognitive abilities of hard-of-hearing in information search -- Designing accessible Web-content for hard-of-hearing

The purpose of this study was to examine cognitive abilities of hard-of-hearing persons in information search, which is basic research aiming at solving Web-content accessibility problems for the hard-of-hearing. Most studies of Web-content accessibility for the hard-of-hearing have been limited to the issue of translating auditory information into visual information. Few studies focused on the problems hard-of-hearing have in visual text processing. Individual differences in information searching between a hard-of-hearing group and a hearing group were investigated. Participants were asked to choose one or more correct directories in response to questions in a virtual portal website. The results suggested that it was more difficult for the hard-of-hearing group to search correctly within a limited time than for the hearing group. The directories by the hard-of-hearing group choices were inconsistent, and this tendency was not related to sentence difficulties. The study findings suggest that an optimum way to design Web pages for hard-of-hearing users is to provide multiple options for a solution rather than just a single one.

